Connecting Job Seekers and Employers in Cowlitz County
What is life works vocational?
Life Works Vocational is a non-profit agency that provides readily available job candidates to employers in our community. We are both a resource to employers as well as individuals with barriers to obtaining fulfilling employment. We believe there is a place for everyone and take the time to match candidates to job sites that benefit the employer as well as the job candidate.
Who we serve
Life Works Vocational provides services to support people with varying disabilities to find and maintain fulfilling employment in Cowlitz County. Our vision is to reach 100% inclusion for people with disabilities; where self worth and value is acknowledged through employment and barriers are no more.
This vision is supported by the partnerships formed with over 50 businesses across Cowlitz County.
Join us in our mission to change lives, one job at a time!
Benefits for Job seekers
Are you looking for a job? Life Works accepts referrals from the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), and the Department of Services for the Blind (DSB). Once your contract is accepted from a rehabilitation program you will be matched with a Job Coach/Employment Specialist that will help you identify:
Your strengths, interests, and abilities
Evaluate and build job skills
Search and apply for jobs
Finding and keeping a rewarding job
Your needs for on the job support
Benefits for Employers
Are you looking for dedicated and skilled employees? Life Works Vocational has a team of Employment Specialists with pre-screened job seekers that are eager to make a difference in their community! Employment Specialists will match candidates to the specific needs of your business and are available to assist with employee training, job support, and provide accommodations at no cost to you. Have you ever considered what it would be like to have more diversity on your team?
Click here to view a short list of common misconceptions about employees with disabilities.
Benefits to Employers
Employers may qualify for tax credit
Increased workplace diversity
Increased customer diversity
The current retention rate for employees supported by Life Works is 78% with several that have been employed for 10+ years.
Free Marketing through Life Works website and social media
Employer Qualifications
Minimum wage salary for employee hired (current minimum is $16.28 hr)
W-2 payroll system
Capacity for flexible shifts
Job seekers are looking to work 1-20 hours a week. This number varies based on the individual’s goals and capacity.
Curiosity to explore new roles in the workplace
Life Works puts skills to work! Many job seekers already have a diverse list of talents and skills that they can bring to a team, and they are eager to build more. Employment Specialists can walk you through what different position descriptions could look like for the individual employee and how those specific roles and responsibilities will fit your business needs.
Click the logo to learn more about the importance of CARF!
Call or email Ashley Sutton to schedule an informational interview to learn more about hiring one of our job seekers!
Ashley Sutton
Employment Consultant
(360) 644-6895
Papa Murphys
"Everyone deserves the dignity of earning a living. Partnering with Life Works helps connect my workplace with folks that just want to work!"
-Nathan Newman
Halo Hair Salon
Life Works Vocational is an exceptional company! I have enjoyed working with my employee I hired from Life Works, as well as her life coach, Valre. Everyday my employee comes into work at Halo Salon, Med Spa, and Boutique she is so happy to be there working so hard. I can see it's changing her life by having a job in the community. Her smile says it all! It warms my heart that Life Works has programs and job opportunities to help people with disabilities.
-Leanna Villanueva, Owner
Uncaged Cycles
“Having Life Works be a part of our team has been a blessing. We are happy that we are able to provide an opportunity to Lonnie so that he can feel empowered and valued.”
-Leah Holmes